Escape Room Myth-Busting Part 1

Welcome to the first installment of our escape room myth-busting blog. Today we’re going to tackle the 3 most common myths that we hear from our players. Strap in!

Myth 1: You’re literally locked in

Nope! National fire codes disallow actually trapping customers in rooms. If the door to your game locks, you will have a clearly marked escape button that will allow you to leave at any time!

Myth 2: Escape games are horror themed and feature jumpscares

Sometimes. None of Murfreesboro Escape Rooms’ games are horror themed, but we do have one or two intended jumpscares. If you aren’t comfortable with this, ask your game master to warn you before the scare. We will do whatever we can to make sure you enjoy your experience.

Myth 3: Your Game Master is laughing at you behind the scenes

Definitely not. Your Game Master wants you to have a good time and escape the room. They’re watching you intently, ready to give you a hint the second you need one. There’s no time or energy for poking fun. They will laugh at your jokes though (if they’re good).

We hope these answers sway your fears surrounding escape rooms! Click here to learn about our games, or click the button below to purchase tickets. And stay tuned for more myth-busting in the near future!